Reference Data Types In C language

Reference Data Types In C language

    Hi guys, in this section we will discuss Reference Data Types and their types also. This section is essential because it is also considered a long question for Computer Science subjects. So without wasting time let's get started.

Reference data type:

There are two types of reference data types such as:

  • Derived Data Type 
  • User-Defined Data Type
Let's discuss all the Data Types briefly with respective examples.

Derived Data Types:

  • Those data types whose variables allow us to store multiple values of the same type are known as Derived Data Types.
  • But they never allow storing multiple values of different data types.
  • The derived data type can achieve by using the concept of an array.
  • For example:
      • int a[] = {10,20,30};   // Valid
      • int b[] = {'A',100,"ABC"};   // Invalid

User-Defined Data Types:

  • Those data types which variable allows us to store multiple values of same type or different type or both, are known as user data types.
  • User-defined data types are developed by programmers.
  • Examples:
      • Structure
      • Union
      • Enumeration etc.
Note: Don't think about the user-defined data types so much, we will discuss them very clearly later.

That's all for this section, you can also watch videos on YouTube for more information about this concept.

Watch On YouTube😎

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